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Is Breast Feeding ‘Natural’? And it’s effects on a Mother’s Emotional Well-being

Is Breast Feeding ‘Natural’? And it’s effects on a Mother’s Emotional Well-being Featuring Possums Education

Breastfeeding is a much more complex exercise than most people think, it firstly doesn’t always happen simply, instinctively or naturally. Public Health advocates often use the phrase ‘natural’ in their attempt to promote mothers breast feeding. Most mothers will feel at least a little bit guilty about going the ‘unnatural’ route and may be too tired to question the comments or judgements from others. As a public health strategy, it may not be a wise move at all. The emphasis on the ‘natural’ aspects of breast feeding can easily backfire on mothers who are struggling with breast feeding or on mothers who were simply not able to. Statistics show although 85% of mothers planned to breast feed for at least three months, less than a third managed to meet their own goal according to a study in the journal ‘Pediatrics.’ It can take time before a new mother and her baby learn what to do. Sometimes there are physical complications with either the mother or baby that can make breastfeeding difficult or impossible. Either way some new mothers simply can’t breastfeed their babies and others choose not to, for a range of reasons. For a new mother who develops postnatal anxiety or depression, the relationship between her illness and her ability to breastfeed can be complicated. Breastfeeding difficulties and lack of breastfeeding confidence are reported as common concerns for mothers with postnatal depression symptoms. Postnatal depression affects up to one in seven women (almost 16 percent) giving birth in Australia. There are many contributing factors as to why some women develop post natal depression, but the judgement from other mothers and society regarding breastfeeding can play a role in a new mothers emotional well-being. Possums Education which provides the Gestalt Breastfeeding Online Program is an innovative education program that helps mothers struggling with breastfeeding. This program provides multiple videos to show tips and advice, consultations with parents who have been having trouble breast feeding and strategies for mothers on how to psychologically deal with their breast feeding problems. The Gestalt Breastfeeding Online Program help prevent or heal nipple pain but also helps babies who: - Have difficulty latching on to the breast - Fuss and pull off or back-arch at the breast - Refuse the breast - Marathon feed - Feed excessively frequently - Are windy and unsettled with or after feeds - Gain weight poorly This program is just $32 to watch and Queensgate Medical Centre highly recommends this effective program: At Queensgate Medical Centre we understand that every mum is different and so is every baby. For some mothers, breastfeeding is a nurturing and beautiful connecting activity although for others it can trigger a range of negative emotions and feelings. The most important decision you should choose is the feeding option that is right for you and your baby.

If you require any additional support regarding breastfeeding or your mental health well-being please make a booking with your GP at Queensgate Medical Centre by calling 9456 1811.

9456 1811

Queensgate Medical Centre

Level 1, 2 Queensgate Drive

Canning Vale, 6155 WA


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